Meet the Adirondack Bernedoodle Team


Mo is our 50  lb F1 Mini Bernedoodle stud. He is a terrific member of the family, and loves playing with his puppies (once they are old enough!).  He's sweet, always ready for a good romp in the yard with the girls, and is a great lap warmer!


Jenga is such a hoot! Loads of personality and full of antics! She loves to be wherever her person is (preferably on top of!!), and loves unconditionally!  She is a 45 lb F1 Mini Bernedoodle, and a wonderful mother!


This incredibly handsome blue merle F1  bernedoodle boy is my big lovey. He is such a very sweet, patient and affectionate guy, who throws the most beautiful F2 puppies with Jenga and Zuza!  He has had 3 litters this year and his pups have wonderful dispositions! He is about 65 lbs.


Lulu is so precious! A little less gregarious than Jenga, but loves zooming around the yard and  'stirring the pot".  She loves to be part of the pack and is smart and loving.  She is a 35 lb F1 Mini Bernedoodle, and a meticulously clean momma. She loves having puppies and helping Jenga with her babies too.


Vegas is a little 10 lb tri-color merle miniature poodle. He's sweet, cooperative and loves to snuggle.  We're excited to add him to the program and know he'll have beautiful F1b puppies  with our bernedoodle mommas. He is my niece's stud muffin !


Basia is such a fun girl. Not only is she stunning, but she is a confident, intelligent and very well-tempered. She is about 40 lbs and has gorgeous puppies with our Mo. 


Petie is our mini Aussiedoodle who will be joining the ranks of our studs in 2025.  He will be around 10-12 lbs at adult weight, and is one of the sweetest little guys you'll ever meet!  Currently, he helps take care of the puppies in our nursery. He teaches them the ropes, and keeps them in the right place at all times!  We plan to breed him with one of our tri-color bernedoodle females early in the coming year for a litter of mini  Aussie Mountain Doodles 


Zosia is a gorgeous, F1 Mini Bernedoodle. She's super smart, loving and playful.  She enjoys romping with Mo, Bogdan and Basia. She is a very good momma, and also a good auntie to puppies from other litters when they are little. She is 50 lbs. 

Pete (aka Rusty)

Pete is a gorgeous poodle stud. He produces gorgeous tricolor and blue merle puppies with our Bernese Mountain Dog mommas! He is a great little guy who belongs to a terrific local breeder. He is about 16 lbs.


Like her sister, Tracy, is about 89 lbs and has a very affectionate, sweet and loyal disposition.  When she's not tending to her puppies, she enjoys being indoors, outdoors or wherever her people are !! 


What a handsome little heartbreaker Flash is! His personality is exponentially bigger than his physical stature - he's a 12 lb dog - and his puppies are absolutely beautiful !!


If you can't tell, Lassie loves getting her picture taken! She's a wonderful momma who takes excellent care of her babies and loves her people family very much !!


This beautiful girl is an 90 lb Bernese Mountain Dog, who is sweet, loyal and so loving! She's a terrific momma, and loves her people too! She's got an excellent temperament and is terrific with kids!  Tracy and Ann are part of our guardian program and belong a fantastic family in our area!


Molly is a 95 lb Bernese Mountain Dog, and true to the breed, she is incredibly gentle, loving and loyal!


Jovi is an 80 lb F1 Golden Doodle who has adorable Golden Mountain Doodle  puppies with Mo.  We expect a spring litter in 2025.  


Cori is an F1 Aussiedoodle who is in a local guardian home where she and her puppies are well cared for and loved! She us about 65 lbs and has a very sweet disposition! 


Daisy is such a sweet, and pretty girl! Full sister of Lulu and Jenga but from a different litter! her first litter is expected in early 2025 and will be ready to go in February/ March !!


Figgi is our beautiful trio-color Aussiedoodle. She is sweet, patient, affectionate and loyal. Figgi is so intelligent, and loves to please.  She is about 35 lbs and loves to run and play, especially with our Peetie!!