Meet Tinkerbell

Tinkerbell is a female F2 Micro Mini Bernedoodle. She is one of the smallest of the bunch and will  be a micro sized adult. 

Tinkerbell's Picture Page

This page features Tinkerbell, a Tri-color Female F2 Micro Mini Bernedoodle from Jenga & Mo's November 30, 2022 litter

Chloe is a tiny little lady, one of the smallest in the litter (8 oz at birth!)  and will most likely be a micro sized adult (up to 20 lbs) She is super sweet and petite!! 

8 Weeks

8 Weeks

6 Weeks

6 weeks

5 weeks

5 weeks

3.5 weeks

3.5 weeks - Xmas

10 days!

10 days!

10 days!

1 day old 

1 day old